



​About Whisperlift Facelift

Performed by Dr. Smythe Rich

WhisperLift Facelifts improve the sagging or bagging around the mouth, jawline, and neck. The scope of the procedure ranges on the patients need from a true mini facelift to a complete restoration of the face and neck. The procedure is performed in our office surgical suite under light anesthesia, while keeping you pain-free and in a twilight sleep. Procedures last 2 or more hours depending on additional techniques selected, such as eyelid tucks or laser procedures. A protective and secured dressing is applied and removed the next day. For more confidentiality, approximately 2 weeks is required to allow bruising and swelling to subside.

This frequently requested cosmetic procedure can give you a fresh new start.

Friends, and family will say you look rested and ask if you have lost weight after seeing your improved jaw and neck line.

How is a WhisperLift Facelift Different?

Differing from other “mini-lift” procedures which only tighten the overlying skin, the WhisperLift approach incorporates the deeper and stronger tissue under the skin (SMAS) with imperishable sutures to offer lasting effects to the lower face and an elegant enhancement to the neck. Many patients are comfortable with light sedation in a private office operating suite while, if needed, full correction is offered utilizing a certified surgery center and anesthesia. The right choice can be made for each individual. Dr Rich and staff ensure that the full host of options are made available to customize your enhancement.

The WhisperLift Approach

A small, relaxed “S“ shaped incision, hidden inconspicuously around the ear and hairline, offers predictable and dramatic changes, restoring a more youthful jawline and neck. Many times a separate incision is placed underneath the chin to remove unwanted fatty tissue of skin while strengthening muscles and ligaments.

The WhisperLift Facelift provides a profound firming and tightening of the jaw line and neck for individuals age 40 to beyond 65 in a fraction of the time that traditional facelifts require. Many return to their activities in about a week, some in a few days. While this is the case with most patients depending upon their obligations, this recovery will vary with each person. All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. By not subjecting the face and neck to more extensive surgery the WhisperLift patients have fewer complications, always a priority in cosmetic procedures. Office-based surgery is more affordable, fitting in the budget of more men and women wanting to stay ahead of the aging process.

The WhisperLift procedure allows patients to recover in their home, returning to Dr. Rich’s office the next morning. Patients requiring more involved procedures receive care at the Palmetto Health Parkridge located in Northwest Columbia. Comfortable arrangements are available for those traveling longer distances.

These are actual patients. Results may vary.

Roya1234 none 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Closed Plastic Surgery https://www.google.com/search?q=J+Smythe+Rich+III+MD%2C+Facial+Plastic+and+Reconstructive+Surgery&rlz=1C1GIVA_enPH978PH978&oq=J+Smythe+Rich+III+MD%2C+Facial+Plastic+and+Reconstructive+Surgery&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i175i199i512j69i60l2.176j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x88f8a528659524c9:0xa6884c6247c74900,3,,, # # https://book.mypatientnow.com/practice/tXrp3U