Which Breast Implant Is Right for You? A Guide

Which Breast Implant Is Right for You? A Guide

Which Breast Implant Is Right for You? A Guide

Which Breast Implant Is Right for You? A Guide

If you want to increase your breast size, you can benefit from breast augmentation. The procedure can help to boost your self-image and confidence. If you decide to get breast implants, you should choose the best option for your body.

It is important to note that what looks good on one individual may not be ideal for another. Various factors determine the best implant process. Find out which breast implant is right for you.


Breast Implant Size

A vital consideration when choosing breast implants is the size. Consider choosing a size that will produce the most natural-looking results. Think about your body frame, height, and size to get implants that complement your figure.

The surgeon will discuss your goals and the size options available to find the optimal size implants. Factors to consider are your figure, current breast size, and amount of breast tissue.

Breast Implant Shape

The two main implant shapes are round and contoured. Round breast implants are ideal for women who desire more volume, cleavage, or fullness. They are the more common option and are ideal for those who want a higher breast lift.

Contoured or teardrop breast implants are preferable for those who desire more natural-looking results. They have less volume in the upper part and more in the lower section. Teardrop implants tend to be more costly than round ones.

The Implant Material

When choosing breast implants, you should consider the material. When choosing the material, think about your age and whether or not you plan to expand your family and breastfeed.

There are several implant materials to choose from, including:

  • Saline implants.
  • Silicone implants.
  • Structured breast implants.
  • Gummy bear implants.

The feel and firmness will depend on the material you choose. Silicone implants can leak and require regular checkups.


Implant Placement Site

The placement site or profile is an important consideration when choosing breast implants. There are different placements for incisions, depending on breast tissue and preference. Consider the width of the base and the projection or how far off the chest the implants will extend.

The main categories of implant profiles are high, moderate, and low. Within the categories, you can find options such as ultra-high and moderate plus. They are available in various sizes and shapes.

Consider Your Budget

When choosing breast implants, consider your budget. The cost of implants differs depending on the material and shape. Teardrop implants cost more than round ones. Textured surface implants may cost more.

When making the choice, ensure you get high-quality options with a customized fit to suit your desires and lifestyle. The best implants are soft, with a natural feel while maintaining their shape.

Your breast tissue amount will determine the best implant option. The surgeon will examine your natural tissue and recommend the best implants. Consider your level of activity or lifestyle when choosing implants.

If you have an active lifestyle, a smaller size may be ideal to allow for easy movement. Choosing breast implants is a significant decision, and you should consider all the factors before making the choice.

For more on which breast implant is right for you, visit Rich & Humenansky Plastic Surgery of the Face & Body. Our office is in Columbia, South Carolina. Call (803) 799-3223 to book an appointment today.

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